Mitt Romney tortures animals. I am glad he is leaving the national stage.

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I think you're interesting. I was unaware that Mitt Romney is particularly fond of hot dogs -- that is something he and I have in common. The idea that Mitt Romney is somehow universally hated in the republican party is simply untrue. I have disliked articles that make it sound like he was universally hated.



While the below looks negative, it's actually that the biggest block of people were neutral towards him (and probably most republicans were positive of him at that time). It don't think it's the case that he ever went into majority unfavorable with general public or republicans.


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Thanks for thinking I'm interesting!

Unfortunately, the Republican party hating him is true. To be fair, it's mostly the Trump-supporting wing of the party that is rabidly against him. The less-Trumpy wing of the party likes him quite a bit. Nevertheless, he's been pushed to the fringes in his own caucus meetings, and back in 2012, about half the party threw him under the bus. (This was primarily the "Tea Party" evangelical Christian side of the party.) There's no reason he should have lost that election considering that the challenger in every other election year coming out of a recession won the presidency. I'm one of his constituents, and the polling here suggests he wouldn't win another Republican primary. To add injury to the insult, he's also had to spend a fortune hiring private security. Not sure if you have read the Coppins article yet, but it's pretty eye opening.

Truly, it's bizarre because he is exactly what everyone wanted in a Republican candidate 15+ years ago.

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You have written this: "Unfortunately, the Republican party hating him is true. " as a contradictory statement, without providing any evidence, after I already provided links that suggest it is not a true statement.

Even if we assume for the sake of argument that all of the other statements are true, none of them make the first one (the contradictory statement) true.

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